Though COVID-19 impact is now less in this part of the world, the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard in our motherland Nepal. Currently, Nepal is in lockdown mode, the health system is broken, lack of medical supplies is affecting human life. As a community organization, the Nepalese Association of Florida (NAF) is working with different other major medical and social organizations to help in the current crisis in Nepal. Focusing on the current crisis in Nepal, NAF organized the interaction program title “ कोरोना मा के गर्ने के नगर्ने?” on May 23rd, 2021. The goal of the program was to inform the general population and medical professionals from our expert panelists from the USA. Our panelist, Dr. Aashish Neupane, MD Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Bhaskar K Chettri, MD MBA FACP, and Dr. Manish Basistha, MS, MPH, Infection Prevention, and Hospital Epidemiologist presented views and experiences on COVID-19. On public health, treatment, and critical care. Dr. Basistha presented from public health perspective on the importance of lockdown, social distancing, different variants, and tests while Dr. Chettri discussed how to manage the patient and what are the vital factors to consider during the primary stage of treatment. He also discussed pre-existing conditions and COVID-19 effects. Dr. Ashish Neupane presented on how to manage patients in critical care in detail focused on available current different treatments and their efficacy and side effects. He also covered how to manage the patient in critical care. All panelists emphasized vaccination, mask, sanitization, and social distancing as critical major for the current situation in Nepal. The program was moderated by Madhu Nepal, a Member of the NAF-Tallahassee chapter. At the end of the program, Anila Neupane, NAF-President thanks to all panelists on behalf of the NAF family. The program was attended by an audience from Nepal and the USA and was broadcasted live on Facebook, Times FM 90.6 MHz, and Radio Himalaya.

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